Monday, June 25, 2007

Introduction (final post from republicansforhillary)

I was curious about Obama so I read his book, Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. It was amazing. I've never read anything from a modern politician that was so smart, refreshing, honest, etc. The book's a little cheesy and wordy at times, but I blame a lack of editing for that. In general, the writing is very good, and what comes through is Obama is not like other politicians. He is a human being (something Hillary unfortunately is not), and he is a true conservative in my opinion. Ok, he supports almost every single idiotic liberal policy on the face of the earth, but the way he thinks about politics is very Burkeian. He is skeptical and opposed to radicalism, ideology, and "magic solutions", and is really very careful and wonky, and well, conservative. I like him. Actually, I'm obsessed with him. So, I'm giving up the Hillary blog and starting an Obama blog. If he wants to invite me for dinner, I would love to come. Obama, e-mail me at I may have no military service, but at least I haven't had a sex-change! So, come check out the new blog at:

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